Fact Sheet Cat Breed Persian
Species: Cat
Breed: Persian
QUEN-Fact Sheet Nr. 33-EN
Status: 04.02.2025
Species: Cat
Breed: Persian
QUEN-Fact Sheet Nr. 33-EN
Status: 04.02.2025
1. Description of the animals
Fife breed standard*: https://fifeweb.org/app/uploads/2023/10/EXO-PER.pdf
External appearance and critical features:
The Persian cat is one of the brachycephalic breeds.
Brachycephalic syndrome in cats is associated with the following morphological changes, among others, which are supposed to correspond to the „infantile pattern“ desired by breeders: smaller skull volume, shortening of the facial skull, flattened orbitae with exophthalmos, the nasal level is higher than the lower eyelid, shortening of the maxilla-induced brachygnathia superior with malpositioned teeth and malocclusion.
The breed standard of the Cat Fanciers‘ Association requires a straight line between forehead, nose and chin when viewed from the side; the transition from forehead to nose (so-called „stop“) should be located between the eyes.
The severity of the morphological deformities and the associated clinical symptoms depend on the degree of brachycephaly. It increases from the traditional doll-face form to the modern extreme form of peke-face.
The Exotic Shorthair breed is the short-haired counterpart to the long-haired Persian cat, while the Himalayan breed is the result of mating Siamese and Persian cats.
*Breed standards and breeding regulations have no legally binding effect, unlike the TierSchG.
2.1 Picture 1
Persian cat.
Photo: Nickolas Titkov CC BY-SA 2.0
2.1 Picture 2
Persian kitten Type Peke-face
Photo: QUEN-Archive
3. Problems/syndromes that may occur in the breed
The most important of several problems and possible diseases occurring in this breed are described here:
- Brachycephaly (narrowing of the upper airways) with malocclusion and neurological symptoms (hydrocephalus internus), obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct and
- Eye diseases: Primary entropion, corneal sequestration, pd-progressive retinal degeneration/atrophy, corneal erosions and ulcers
- Skin diseases: Facial wrinkle pyoderma, hereditary primary seborrhea
- Chédiak-Higashi syndrome ,
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)
- Congenital polycystic liver disease
- Urogenital tract: polycystic kidney disease (PKD), feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD), calcium oxalate urolithiasis
- Lung carcinomas
- Thoracolumbar disc diseases
4. Other problems that may occur frequently
In addition to the breed-typical defects listed under point 3, the veterinary literature contains information on the occurrence of the following problems, which will not be discussed further below, as no definitive conclusions can yet be drawn from the known prevalences and breeders, breeding clubs and associations do not state any prevalences that have been determined under scientific conditions. However, the following statement applies to these cases: „The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence“.
- Sinoorbital and sinonasal
- Pyometra
- Cryptorchidism
- Cheyletiellose
- Dermatophytic pseudomycetoma
- Idiopathic facial dermatitis
- Dystocia
- Increased mortality of puppies
- Color lightening of the iris, the coat in connection with congenital deafness
5. Symptoms and pathological value of the typical defects mentioned above: Significance/impact on the physical/psychological well-being of the defect in the individual animal and classification in burden category*
*The individual breeding-related defects are assigned to different burden categories (BC) depending on their severity. The overall burden category is based on the most severe defect found in the individual animal. The BC system as a further development based on the Swiss model is still being developed and is only intended as a guide. For this reason, the BC values used here should be regarded as provisional. This is primarily due to the fact that the German Animal Welfare Act does not contain a justiciable basis for classification into burden categories. In contrast to Switzerland, the legal standards in Germany do not quantify pain, suffering or harm or assess their quality, but take them into account if they affect the animal more than insignificantly.
However, the burden categories can also be used to assess suitability for breeding and showing.
The burden that can be caused by defective breeding traits are divided into 4 categories (Art. 3 TSchZV, Switzerland). The most burdenful trait or symptom is decisive for the assignment of an animal to a burden category (Art. 4 TSchZV, Switzerland).
Category 0 (no burden): These animals may be used for breeding.
Category 1 (mild burden): Mild burden is present if a burdenful expression of characteristics and symptoms in pets and farm animals can be compensated for by appropriate care, husbandry or feeding, without interventions on the animal and without regular medical care measures.
Category 2 (medium burden): These animals may only be used for breeding if the breeding objective is for the offspring to be less burdened than the parents.
Category 3 (severe burden): These animals may not be used for breeding.
(see also https://qualzucht-datenbank.eu/merkblatt-katze-brachycephalie/)
Clinically, the animals may present with stridor, mouth breathing, impaired thermoregulation, restricted physical activity, prolonged recovery periods, cyanosis, retching, gastrointestinal symptoms and disturbed sleep behavior (due to dyspnea). The heterogeneous symptoms are due to a series of anatomical deformities of various organ systems:
Cranium: Coronal craniosynostosis or premature closure of the coronal sutura leads to deformation of the neurocranium, reduction of the cranial volume and displacement of the cerebellum into the spinal canal. Internal hydrocephalus occurs in 1/3 of peke-face Persian cats. A mild chronic course with bulging of the forehead, visual disturbances, deafness, asymmetrical orbital cavities and ocular hypertelorism has been described in these cats.
The shortening of the facial skull results in the following symptoms:
Eyes: The orbits are flattened, resulting in exophthalmos and exposure of the globe to environmental influences. The nasolacrimal canal is obstructed and tear drainage is impaired. The ophthalmologic clinic of the breed is described under „Eye diseases“.
Dentition: Brachygnathia superior and dorsorotation of the maxilla can lead to malocclusions, such as the so-called „backdrop position“ of the teeth and malocclusion, which can traumatize the oral mucosa and mandibular teeth. Narrowing of the interdental spaces increases the accumulation of food residues, hair and plaque and has a perpetuating effect on gingivitis, periodontitis and tartar formation.
Respiratory tract: The upper airways are severely narrowed due to shortening of the nasal bridge, possible stenosis of the nares, altered nasal septum, enlarged and thickened turbinates with additional growth into the nose, formation of new paranasal sinuses due to a reduction in the size of the frontal sinuses and an elongated soft palate. As a result of this displacement, increased airflow turbulence occurs during breathing and air resistance increases, creating permanently increased negative pressure in the nasopharynx. This results in damage, inflammation and edematization of the palate, larynx, tonsils and larynx. Also described are Collapse of the laryngeal cartilage, disruption of thermoregulation and stridores due to flow resistance. As a result of respiratory distress, mouth breathing, disturbed sleep behavior, restricted physical activity, prolonged recovery phases, cyanosis and retching occur. Data from a large Swedish pet insurance company shows that Persian cats have a significantly higher relative risk of developing respiratory problems than the average of all other cat breeds.
Breed-associated neurological-cognitive deficits, behavioral disorders, physical clumsiness, poorly developed play behavior, less social interaction with conspecifics, reduced hunting instinct, less interest in prey, less fear-associated aggression, and a tendency to lack house-training are known. In rare cases, the neurological deficits can be so pronounced that they lead to the death of animals just a few weeks old.
The altered facial expressions caused by the altered head shape are difficult for animals of the same species to read and therefore lead to impaired intra-species communication.
The cat’s cornea is highly sensitively innervated. Chronic irritation and the associated lesions and inflammation must therefore be classified as highly painful, painful and damaging chronic processes.
Food intake can be made more difficult as a result of malocclusion of the teeth and tissue can be traumatized. As a result, the animal can only fulfill this vital need with difficulty.
The obstruction of the upper respiratory tract leads to permanently and significantly restricted respiratory activity and thus to considerable physical and psychological suffering. The animals cannot fully fulfill their need for activity and rest.
Burden category: 3
Ocular diseases
Many ocular diseases are caused by the anatomical changes in the oculofacial region of the skull in brachycephalic cats. Eye problems are common in Persian cats due to their large, shallow eye sockets, prominent eyeballs and brachycephalic head shape. Compared to non-purebred cats, chronic epiphora (leakage of tear fluid over the edges of the eyelids), which is caused by a narrowing of the nasolacrimal duct and can lead to irritation of the face, as well as non-healing corneal ulcers, corneal bulges, entropion and reduced corneal sensitivity are among the most common eye diseases in Persian cats. In addition, eye diseases with known genetic causes have also been documented in Persian cats, including an early-onset, autosomal recessive form of progressive retinal atrophy. Some of the most common clinical signs are directly related to the morphologic changes themselves, such as entropion, lagophthalmos and trichiasis. Others are secondarily acquired, including chronic corneal irritation, corneal erosion, corneal ulceration, keratitis, conjunctivitis, vascularization and pigmentation.
The following eye diseases occur more frequently in Persian cats:
Primary entropion
Entropoin is a multifactorial eyelid malposition with inward rotation of the eyelid margins. A distinction is made between the primary form, which is caused by anatomical changes in the orbit, tarsus, bulb and a pronounced skin fold in the nasal region in brachycephaly, and the secondary or acquired form. A breed predisposition to entropion has been described for the Persian cat and it is assumed that there is a connection with the brachycephalic skull and facial conformation. As a result of the unphysiological contact between the eye and the hairy skin, irritation of the cornea and conjunctiva, blepharospasm, conjunctivitis, epiphora, occasional keratitis, corneal ulceration, corneal edema, corneal sequestration, trichiasis and photophobia occur.
The consequences of entropion can be classified as extremely painful and psychologically stressful. Surgical eyelid corrections are sometimes necessary, which are associated with general anesthesia and convalescence and the resulting physical and psychological stress (including strain on the cardiovascular system, post-operative catabolic metabolic state, unfamiliar surroundings, separation from caregivers).
Burden category: 2-3 depending on the degree of severity
Primary corneal sequester
Primary and secondary forms of corneal sequestration are frequently described in Persian cats. They often occur together with entropion. Secondary or acquired corneal sequesters can occur as a result of chronic corneal irritation, erosion and ulceration. Clinically, they present as focal areas of brown-black necrosis, usually centrally located on the cornea and mostly surrounded by ulceration. In the area of the necrosis, hypoesthesia and thus reduced blink frequency can usually be observed. Due to the painfulness in the vital tissue, blepharospasm and epiphora are to be expected, as well as oedema and neovascularization in chronic cases.
It is a highly painful disease. Daily nursing and therapeutic measures have a severe psychological impact on the animal.
Burden category: 3
Feline pd-progressive retinal atrophy (early form)
Persian cats are predisposed to developing pd-PRA at an early age. pd-PRA (Persian Demonstrated Progressive Retinal Atrophy) is a hereditary disease that manifests itself in the first two to three weeks of life, in which the photoreceptors of the retina degenerate, starting with the rods (initial visual impairment in the dark) and later also the cones (visual impairment also in the light). Clinically, a reduced pupillary light reaction, tapetal hyperreflexia, loss of pigment in the nontapetal fundus and a decrease in the caliber of retinal vessels up to complete vascular atrophy (ghost vessels) can be observed. Complete blindness can be expected at around 16 weeks.
The loss of the ability to perceive visual stimuli from the environment severely restricts the animals‘ autonomy. Free access can only be granted under supervision and in an escape-proof environment on all sides.
Burden category: 3
Data from the large Swedish animal health insurance company AGRIA shows that Persian cats generally have a 2.5-fold higher risk of developing an eye disease. For corneal inflammation and ulcers, the risk was even 5-8 times higher and for retinal atrophy approx. 5 times higher than the average for all other cat breeds.
Skin diseases
Facial fold pyoderma
Due to the pronounced skin folds in the nasal area of the Persian cat, the skin in the affected area is less well ventilated, resulting in increased moisture, soiling, irritation and impaired desquamation. These factors promote an imbalance in the physico-chemical microenvironment of the skin, making it more susceptible to bacterial, parasitic and viral infections
Primary seborrhoea oleosa
Primary seborrhoea oleosa is a hereditary, genetically determined keratinization disorder of the skin with increased sebum flow. Typically, the animals show an oily, scaly skin appearance, accompanied by crusts and alopecia.
Transient or permanent therapeutic-care measures are required to improve the appearance of the skin. Primary and secondary efflorescences can occur as a result of dermatitis and have a perpetuating effect. Pain and itching can lead to automutilation. The animal suffers physical and psychological distress.
Burden category: 2
Chédiak-Higashi syndrome
Chédiak-Higashi syndrome occurs in Persian cats of the blue-smoke color variety with yellow irises and can manifest itself as early as three months of age in the form of oculocutaneous albinism, congenital bilateral cataracts, hypopigmentation of the nontapetal fundi and iridae, postnatal degeneration of the nontapetal fundus, nystagmus, tapetum degeneration, bleeding tendency, neutropenia and coat depigmentation.
The syndrome causes damage to the sensory organ of the eye. This has a considerable impact on the species‘ own behavioral repertoire.
Burden category: 2-3 depending on the degree of severity
Persian cats are genetically predisposed to the metabolic disease α-mannosidosis. α-mannosidosis is a rare hereditary lysosomal storage disease in which a lack of α-mannosidase enzymes leads to the intracellular accumulation of mannose-rich oligosaccharides. The disease is characterized by a heterogeneous clinical picture, which manifests itself from the age of two to four months. Corneal and lens opacities, cerebellar ataxia, tremor, skeletal anomalies, hepatomegaly, thymic aplasia and polycystic kidney disease occur. The puppies die at birth or in the first few months of life or usually have to be euthanized due to progressive neurological deficits or for animal welfare reasons.
The affected animals are subject to considerable pain, suffering and damage.
Burden category: 3
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)
Cardiomyopathies are by far the most common form of heart disease in domestic cats. HCM is most common in cats referred for an echocardiogram and is present with high prevalence in many domestic cats of all breeds. A hereditary, genetically determined predisposition to the development of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) has been described for Persian cats.
HCM is a genetic heart disease typically associated with concentric ventricular hypertrophy with normal or reduced lumen of the left ventricle and predominantly diastolic cardiac dysfunction. Initially usually asymptomatic, as the disease progresses symptoms of heart failure become apparent, such as exercise intolerance, dyspnea, syncope and ultimately death from heart failure. A frequent complication of HCM is Feline Arterial Thromboembolism (FATE). HCM causes a general tendency to thrombosis or the risk of thromboembolism. A thrombus is washed away from its point of origin and obstructs an (arterial) vessel. In cats, this often affects vessels in the hind limb(s). These animals are clinically characterized by acute, severe pain symptoms (crying), plegia of the affected limb(s), possibly symptoms of pulmonary oedema, heart failure and pulselessness in the affected limb(s)
In the Breed Report of the Swedish animal health insurance company AGRIA, Persian cats had a relative risk of developing HCM that was twice as high as the average for all other breeds between 2011 and 2016.
As the disease is genetic, there is no cure. It reduces performance and therefore restricts the animal’s ability to fully fulfill its natural urge to move. In the case of FATE, euthanasia should be carried out for animal welfare reasons due to the high level of pain, depending on the degree of severity.
Burden category: 3
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD)
Due to its frequency, PKD is one of the most important hereditary diseases in cats. The worldwide prevalence of the disease in Persian cats is reported to be between 25 and 50%. In its Breed Report (2011-2016), the Swedish animal insurance company AGRIA states that the risk of congenital kidney disease in Persian cats is around 5 times higher than the average for other breeds. The kidneys of affected animals show congenital bilateral cysts that progressively increase in size and lead to chronic interstitial nephritis and kidney failure in middle-aged to old animals. They often occur in combination with liver and pancreatic cysts. Symptoms of renal failure are variable: aregenerative anemia, erosive-ulcerative stomatitis, vomiting, diarrhea, inappetence, cachexia, dehydration, (pulmonary) edema, metastatic calcifications in pleura, gastric mucosa and lungs. Death occurs due to metabolic acidosis, hyperkalemia, hypercalcemia or final pulmonary edema.
The affected animals are subject to considerable pain, suffering and damage. Euthanasia is often necessary at an advanced stage of the disease for animal welfare reasons.
Burden category: 3
Congenital polycystic liver disease (PCLD)
As PCLD usually occurs in combination with PKD, Persian cats are also frequently affected by this disease. The livers of affected animals show congenital cysts. The disease is initially asymptomatic. As the cysts progressively increase in size, hepatocellular pressure atrophy, obstructive cholestasis, dolence, compression of abdominal cavity organs, inappetence, final hepatobiliary dysfunction, bleeding tendency, immunodeficiency, edema, weight loss, cyst rupture with hemoabdomen and icterus occur.
The affected animals are subject to considerable pain, suffering and damage. Euthanasia is often necessary at an advanced stage of the disease for animal welfare reasons.
Burden category: 3
Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD), congenital defects of the urogenital tract, calcium oxalate urolithiasis
The Persian cat shows a breed predisposition for calcium oxalate urolithiasis and congenital defects of the urogenital tract. Both factors increase the likelihood of developing FLUTD, for which the Persian cat is also considered predisposed. The symptoms of FLUTD include severe pain in the urogenital area and during urination. The animal often shows pollakiuria (frequent passing of small amounts of urine) and micro- or macrohaematuria. In the case of recurrent obstruction of the urinary tract, the creation of an artificial outlet or, in the case of cats, penile amputation may be necessary as a last resort.
The disease, complications, recurring symptoms and therapeutic measures are associated with severe suffering, pain and damage for the animal.
Burden category: 2-3
Lung carcinomas
Persian cats are two to four times more likely to develop the disease than other breeds. Symptoms include lethargy, weight loss, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, wheezing, dyspnea, tachypnea, ataxia, lameness and hemoptysis. There is no cure, the disease is always fatal.
The affected animals are subject to considerable pain and, in the case of dyspnea, fear of suffocation. Euthanasia is necessary at an advanced stage of the disease for animal welfare reasons.
Burden category: 3
Thoracolumbar disc diseases
It has been observed that Persian cats suffer from intervertebral disc disease more frequently and earlier than other cat breeds or non-pedigree cats. Disc disease causes neurological symptoms of varying severity. Possible symptoms include: Pain, loss of sensitivity, paralysis, loss of depth sensitivity, loss of control over defecation and urination.
It can be assumed that the severe (prolonged) pain, loss of autonomy and, depending on the configuration, long-lasting movement restrictions during convalescence have a negative effect on the animal’s mental state. If the animal’s pain, suffering and damage and the veterinary indication justify it, euthanasia may be necessary for animal welfare reasons.
Burden category: 2-3 depending on the degree of severity
Data from a large Swedish insurance company shows that the Persian has an increased risk of premature mortality due to upper and lower urinary tract disease, neoplasia, heart disease, neurological disease and eye disease compared to the average mortality rate of all cat breeds.
In the Persian cat, the breed-related (standard-related) anatomical deviations can already result in an overall burden category 3.
6. Heredity, genetics, known gene tests, if applicable, average coefficient of inbreeding (COI), if applicable average heterozygosity value
For the cat, there is a polygenic inheritance with a threshold character and possible heterogeneity with regard to the expression of brachycephaly. Two candidate genes are discussed as a possible genetic basis on chromosome A2, CNTN6 and CHL1 in homozygous regions.
Primary entropion
The mode of inheritance has not been clearly clarified; a polygenic/heterogenic mode of inheritance is assumed.
A genetic test is not available.
Primary seborrhea oleosa
The mode of inheritance is unknown.
Progressive retinal atrophy (pd-PRA)
pd-PRA is subject to autosomal recessive inheritance with complete penetrance. The AIPL1 gene (aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein-like 1), variant: C-T, on chromosome E1 is affected.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)
HCM is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner, with incomplete penetrance.
Genetic tests for three variants are available.
PKD (PCLD) is subject to autosomal dominant inheritance. The mutation affects the PKD-1 gene.
Chédiak-Higashi syndrome
A genetic mutation in the CHS1/LYST gene, which expresses a regulatory protein for lysosomal transport, causes Chediak-Higashi syndrome in humans and mice. In cats, this may also be the genetic cause, as the clinical symptoms are the same in all species with this disorder.
The syndrome is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner with complete penetrance.
A genetic test is not available.
The disease is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. The mutation affects the MAN2B1 gene, variant: DEL, chromosome A2.
A genetic test is available.
7. Diagnosis – further examinations
The general clinical examination and medical history are of course the starting point for any further diagnostics.
In addition to the adspector examination to determine changes, the shape of the head, nostrils and jaw, further specialist veterinary examinations are usually necessary, possibly also imaging procedures to examine the head and, in some animals, the skeletal system, in order to provide the respective animal with any necessary medical treatment. This includes cranial CT, dental X-ray, laryngoscopy, X-ray examination of the trachea, inspection of the oral cavity and larynx under anesthesia, rhinoscopy, chest X-ray, Jones test (to check the patency of the nasolacrimal canal). In cats with hydrocephalus, the clinical examination may be abnormal or inconspicuous, so an MRI should be performed to confirm the diagnosis in suspected cases. To assess the severity of brachycephaly, it is recommended to use the grading system according to Schlueter et al. ( 2009). This distinguishes between four degrees of severity. Primarily, the dorsal rotation of the maxillary canine and maxilla is assessed because this configuration has an influence on the drainage of the nasolacrimal canal. Further criteria are: the length of the nose, the extent of the stop and the position of the nasal mirror in relation to the eyes.
Ocular diseases
A complete ophthalmologic examination should be performed including Schirmer tear test, tonometry, ophthalmoscopy and other diagnostic procedures and depending on the suspected diagnosis: Jones test (with fluorescent dye) or entropion test (lifting a fold of skin just below the eye and creating an iatrogenic entropion. If the animal is unable to correct this with the next blink, entropion is present). A genetic test is available for the diagnosis of pd-PRA.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is diagnosed by chest X-ray, echocardiography, cardiac ultrasound, blood chemistry (especially electrolytes).
Polycystic kidney disease is diagnosed by abdominal ultrasound, imaging (CT, MRI) and blood chemistry. A genetic test can be performed, but is usually of secondary importance in the presence of clinical symptoms.
Skin diseases
Complete clinical and dermatologic examinations are required: skin scraping, microscopy, cytology, histology, bacteriologic examination, Wood’s lamp.
Chediak-Higashi syndrome
Complete ophthalmologic examination, blood count and determination of coagulation parameters.
Calcium oxalaturolithiais, FLUTD
Performance of a urine sediment analysis, urine test stiffness, cystocentesis, bacterial examination, abdominal sonography/ X-ray.
Lung carcinoma
Imaging examinations: (chest) X-ray, ultrasound.
Thoracolumbar disc disease
Neurological examination, imaging (X-ray, MRI, CT).
8. Necessary or possible orders from an animal welfare perspective
Decisions on breeding or exhibition bans should be made in connection with the burden category (BC). Depending on the severity and findings, the decisive factor for a breeding ban may be the most severe finding, i.e. the finding that most affects the animal, and its categorisation in one of the burden categories (BC), or also the correlation assessment if many individual breeding-related defects or breed-typical predispositions are present. The individual genomic inbreeding coefficient of an animal and its status as a carrier animal for risk genes should also be taken into account.
a) Orders that appear necessary
Breeding ban according to §11b TierSchG for animals with hereditary/breeding-related defects,
in particular
- Breeding ban, at least for all animals with defects in burden category 3
- Show ban at least for all animals with visible defects, especially brachycephaly, and those with defects that have been detected by genetic testing but have not yet led to clinical manifestations
b) Possible orders
- Order for permanent sterilization (castration) in accordance with 11b (2) TierSchG. Note: Only surgical castration (ovariohysterectomy for female cats) is to be used as an animal welfare measure because drug therapy is unreliable and has side effects if used long-term.
- Order to carry out genetic tests on both partners intended for breeding
Please note:
Measures taken by the competent authority must be recognizably suitable for averting future harm to the animal concerned and/or its offspring. With regard to the type and depth of processing of orders and breeding bans, decisions are always made on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the competent authority, taking into account the circumstances found on site.
9. General assessment of animal welfare law
a) Germany
From an animal welfare point of view, cats with the defects/syndromes described above are classified as torture breeding in Germany in accordance with §11b TierSchG.
It should be noted that a breeding ban may not only apply if animals are used for breeding that themselves exhibit traits relevant to torture (trait carriers), but also if it is known or must be known that an animal used for breeding can pass on traits that can lead to one of the detrimental changes in the offspring (carriers; in particular animals that have already produced damaged offspring; see Binder § 5 ÖTSchG to Z 1).
– An important indication of a hereditary defect is that a disease or behavioral abnormality occurs more frequently in related animals than in the population as a whole The fact that the breed or population has proven to be viable over a longer period of time is not an argument against damage (cf. Lorz/Metzger § 11b para. 12).
– The prohibition applies regardless of the subjective facts, i.e. regardless of whether the breeder himself recognized or should have recognized the possibility of harmful consequences (Lorz/Metzger § 11b para. 4). Due to this objective standard of care, the breeder cannot invoke a lack of subjective knowledge or experience if the respective knowledge and experience can be expected from a careful breeder of the respective animal species.
– Inheritance-related changes in the descendants are also foreseeable if it is uncertain whether they will only occur in later generations after a generational leap (cf. Goetschel in Kluge § 11b para. 14).
According to §11b TierSchG, it is prohibited to breed vertebrate animals if breeding knowledge indicates that, as a result of breeding, the offspring or progeny will, among other things
- body parts or organs are missing for species-appropriate use or are unfit or deformed for hereditary reasons, resulting in pain, suffering or damage (§ 11b Para. 1 No. 1 TierSchG) or
- hereditary behavioral disorders associated with suffering occur (§ 11b para. 1 no. 2 a) TierSchG) or
- the keeping is only possible with pain or avoidable suffering or leads to damage (§ 11b Para. 1 No. 2 c) TierSchG).
The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) defines pain as
„an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with or resembling actual or potential tissue damage (https://www.iasp-pain.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/revised-definition-flysheet_R2-1-1-1.pdf)
Pain is defined in animals as an unpleasant sensory perception caused by actual or potential injury, which triggers motor or vegetative reactions, results in learned avoidance behaviour and can potentially change specific behaviours (Hirt/Maisack/Moritz/Felde, TierSchG, Kommentar 4th ed. 2023 § 1 para. 12 mwN; basically also Lorz/Metzger TierSchG 7th ed. § 1 para. 20).
Suffering is any impairment of well-being not already covered by the concept of pain that goes beyond simple discomfort and lasts for a not insignificant period of time (Hirt/Maisack/Moritz/Felde Tierschutzgesetz Kommentar 4th ed. 2023 § 1 para. 19 mwN; Lorz/Metzger, TierSchG Komm. 7th ed. 2019 § 1 para. 33 mwN). Suffering can also be physically and mentally debilitating; fear in particular is categorised as suffering in the commentary and case law (Hirt/Maisack/Moritz/Felde Section 1 TierSchG para. 24 mwN; Lorz/Metzger Section 1 TierSchG para. 37).
Damage occurs when the physical or mental condition of an animal is temporarily or permanently altered for the worse (Hirt/Maisack/Moriz/Felde TierSchG Komm. 4th ed. 2023 § 1 para. 27 mwN; Lorz/Metzger TierSchG Komm. 7th ed. 2019 § 1 para. 52 mwN), whereby completely minor impairments based on a physical or psychological basis are not taken into account. „The target condition of the animal is assessed on animals of the same species. The absence of body parts is regularly assessed as damage in the commentary literature“ (VG Hamburg decision of 4 April 2018, 11 E 1067/18 para. 47, also Lorz/Metzger TierSchG Komm. § 1 para. 52).
Breeding animals with one or more of the defects described above constitutes torture breeding through:
- A highly significant association between the head shape described above and diseases of the eye, skin and brain, which can lead to suffering, pain and damage in the cat itself and its offspring.
- Brachycephaly and associated pain and damage
- Suffering due to limited ability to communicate facial expressions
- Damage to the spine and associated pain
- Eye diseases and associated pain, suffering and damage
- Possibly the partial or complete loss of function of the sense of hearing and possibly the ability to see due to color brightening
- Skin diseases and associated pain, damage and suffering
- Inability to bear offspring naturally if there is a family history of this
- Fulfillment of the concept of suffering due to physical changes brought about by breeding measures, which lead to a not insignificant impairment of the species-specific behavioral processes and possibly non-resilience of the animals. A species-appropriate life is thus not insignificantly impaired and well-being is severely restricted.
b) Austria
Cats with the defects/syndromes described above are classified in Austria as torture breeding according to § 5 TSchG.
In particular*, anyone who „breeds animals in a way that is foreseeable to cause pain, suffering, harm or fear to the animal or its offspring (torturous breeding), so that as a result of genetic abnormalities, in particular one or more of the following clinical symptoms occur in the offspring not only temporarily with significant effects on their health or significantly impair physiological life courses or cause an increased risk of injury“ is in breach of Section 5 of the Austrian Animal Welfare Act.
*The word „in particular“ means that the list is not exhaustive but exemplary.
Breeding with cats that suffer from the following defects and the associated problems or are genetically predisposed to them is to be qualified as torture breeding if the following symptoms listed in § 5 are realized: Shortening of the facial skull (e.g. respiratory distress, malformation of the dentition), ectropion and/or entropion (inflammation of the conjunctiva and/or cornea, blindness), Skin fold dermatitis (inflammation of the skin), difficult births/cesarean sections.
The breeding of Persian cats already qualifies as torture breeding if „it must be assumed with a high degree of probability that natural births are not possible“ (Austria. TSchG, 2022).
c) Switzerland
Anyone wishing to breed with an animal that exhibits a trait or symptom that may lead to moderate or severe stress in connection with the breeding objective must first have a stress assessment carried out. Only hereditary stresses are taken into account in the stress assessment (see Art. 5 of the FSVO Ordinance on Animal Welfare in Breeding (TSchZV)). Cats with defects that can be assigned to stress category 3 are subject to a breeding ban in accordance with Art. 9 TSchZV. It is also prohibited to breed with animals if the breeding objective results in category 3 defects in the offspring. Animals in category 2 may be bred if the breeding objective is for the offspring to be less affected than the parents (Art. 6 TSchZV). Annex 2 of the TSchZV lists characteristics and symptoms that can lead to moderate or severe stress in connection with the breeding objective. Cranial deformities with impeding effects on the ability to breathe, the position of the eyes and the birth process, herniated discs, eye malfunctions and persistent entropion are explicitly mentioned. In addition, individual breeding forms are expressly prohibited in accordance with Art. 10 TSchVZ. In other cases, however, a breeding ban is only imposed on a case-by-case basis. Animals that have been bred on the basis of impermissible breeding objectives may not be exhibited (Art. 30a para. 4 let. b TSchV).
d) Netherlands
In accordance with Article 3.4 „Breeding with domestic animals“ of the Animal Keeper Decree , it is prohibited in the Netherlands to breed with domestic animals in a way that is detrimental to the welfare and health of the parent animals or their offspring.
In any case, breeding must prevent as far as possible that
- serious genetic defects and diseases are passed on to the offspring or can occur in them;
- external characteristics are passed on to the offspring or can develop in them that have harmful consequences for the welfare or health of the animals.
The following hereditary diseases or abnormalities are realized in the Persian cat according to article 3.4: brachycephaly, diseases of the eye, diseases of the skin, diseases of the kidneys, abnormalities of the spinal column, and possibly (familial accumulation) reproductive disorders (dystocia).
The following harmful external characteristics can be passed on to the Persian cat’s offspring: short muzzle, many nasal folds with skin infections.
Detailed legal assessments and/or expert opinions, if already available, can be made available to veterinary offices for official use on request.
10. Relevant jurisdiction
- Germany: not known.
- Austria: not known.
- Switzerland: not known.
- The Netherlands: not known.
11. Order example available?
Examples of orders are only made available to veterinary offices for official use on request.
12. Bibliography/ References/ Links
Only a selection of sources on the defects described above and, where applicable, general literature on breed-related defects in cats is given here. More comprehensive literature lists on the scientific background will be sent exclusively to veterinary offices on request.
Note: The description of health problems associated with the trait, for which there is not yet sufficient scientific evidence, is based on the experience of experts from veterinary practice and/or university institutions as well as publicly accessible databases or publications from animal insurance companies and therefore originates from different evidence classes.
As breeding and showing are international nowadays, the information does not usually only refer to the prevalence of defects or traits in individual associations, clubs or countries.
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Huizing, X., Sparkes, A., & Dennis, R. (2017). Shape of the feline cerebellum and occipital bone related to breed on MRI of 200 cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 19(10), 1065-1072. https://doi.org/10.1177/1098612X16676022
Lutz, H., Kohn, B., & Forterre, F. (Eds.). (2019). Diseases of the cat (6th, updated edition). Georg Thieme Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1055/b-006-163273
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Dutch State Secretary for Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation of October 19, 2012, no. 291872, Directorate for Legislation and Legal Affairs. (2024). Dutch Livestock Decree. Livestock Decree. https://wetten.overheid.nl/BWBR0035217/2024-07-01/#Hoofdstuk3_Paragraaf1_Artikel3.4
O’Neill, D. G., Romans, C., Brodbelt, D. C., Church, D. B., Černá, P., & Gunn-Moore, D. A. (2019). Persian cats under first opinion veterinary care in the UK: Demography, mortality and disorders. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 12952. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-49317-4
Rah, H., Maggs, D. J., Blankenship, T. N., Narfstrom, K., & Lyons, L. A. (2005). Early-Onset, Autosomal Recessive, Progressive Retinal Atrophy in Persian Cats. Investigative Opthalmology & Visual Science, 46(5), 1742. https://doi.org/10.1167/iovs.04-1019
Schmidt, M. J., Kampschulte, M., Enderlein, S., Gorgas, D., Lang, J., Ludewig, E., Fischer, A., Meyer-Lindenberg, A., Schaubmar, A. R., Failing, K., & Ondreka, N. (2017). The Relationship between Brachycephalic Head Features in Modern Persian Cats and Dysmorphologies of the Skull and Internal Hydrocephalus. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 31(5), 1487-1501. https://doi.org/10.1111/jvim.14805
Schlueter, C., Budras, K. D., Ludewig, E., Mayrhofer, E., Koenig, H. E., Walter, A., & Oechtering, G. U. (2009). Brachycephalic Feline Noses: CT and Anatomical Study of the Relationship between Head Conformation and the Nasolacrimal Drainage System. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 11(11), 891-900. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfms.2009.09.010
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Swiss Federal Council. (2024). Animal Welfare Ordinance (TSchV) Switzerland. FedLex. https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/2008/416/de
The Cat Fancier’s Association (CFA). (2024). Persian Standard. https://cfa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/persian-standard.pdf
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW). (2016). Persian-Chediak-Higashi Syndrome (Blue smoke (Maltese) only). Genetic Welfare Problems of Companion Animals. https://www.ufaw.org.uk/cats/persian—chediak-higashi-syndrome
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